# 可变形卷积

# 0.简介

论文:Deformable Convolutional Networks (opens new window)

仓库:https://github.com/msracver/Deformable-ConvNets.git (opens new window)

Deformable Convolutional Networks是清华大学的代季峰 (opens new window)于2017年发表的论文中提出的。主要想解决的问题是,给常规卷积增加一个二维的平移变换,使用可变形的卷积核对特征图进行卷积,提升卷积的表达能力。这篇文章讨论的空间变换表征能力与2015年google的DeepMind发表的STN的有相似之处。


  • 一,使用数据增强,生成具有几何变换多样性的训练数据,如对训练数据进行仿射变换,缺点增加了训练时间
  • 二,使用具有几何不变性的特征,如SIFT,缺点手动设计的特征在处理复杂的变换时显得不可行


# 1.可变形卷积

# 1.1 常规卷积


  • 1)使用一定大小的方形网格(卷积核)在特征图x上采样
  • 2)对采样的值和卷积核参数w进行加权求和







# 1.2 可变形卷积


可变形卷积(Deformable Convolution)正是在常规卷积计算公式上增加了一个位置偏移向量。其中,,然后可变形卷积的计算变成:






  • a表示的是常规的方形卷积
  • b/c/d表示的是可变形卷积的3个例子,浅蓝色的点表示常规方形卷积核的9个采样点,浅蓝色的箭头表示的是偏移向量,深蓝色的是偏移后的采样点。

# 1.3 可变形卷积层

图中蓝色的框表示可变形卷积的采样点,上部的绿色分支是可变形卷积偏移量的获取。其过程为先将通道为Nfeature map经过卷积层conv得到通道数为2Nfeature map,其中2N表示每个通道x,y方向的偏移量。



 * \brief deformable_im2col gpu kernel.
 * DO NOT call this directly. Use wrapper function im2col() instead;
template <typename DType>
__global__ void deformable_im2col_gpu_kernel(const int n, const DType* data_im, const DType* data_offset,
  const int height, const int width, const int kernel_h, const int kernel_w,
  const int pad_h, const int pad_w,
  const int stride_h, const int stride_w,
  const int dilation_h, const int dilation_w,
  const int channel_per_deformable_group,
  const int batch_size, const int num_channels, const int deformable_group,
  const int height_col, const int width_col,
  DType* data_col) {
  CUDA_KERNEL_LOOP(index, n) {
    // index index of output matrix
    const int w_col = index % width_col;
    const int h_col = (index / width_col) % height_col;
    const int b_col = (index / width_col / height_col) % batch_size;
    const int c_im = (index / width_col / height_col) / batch_size;
    const int c_col = c_im * kernel_h * kernel_w;

    // compute deformable group index
    const int deformable_group_index = c_im / channel_per_deformable_group;

    const int h_in = h_col * stride_h - pad_h;
    const int w_in = w_col * stride_w - pad_w;
    DType* data_col_ptr = data_col + ((c_col * batch_size + b_col) * height_col + h_col) * width_col + w_col;
    //const DType* data_im_ptr = data_im + ((b_col * num_channels + c_im) * height + h_in) * width + w_in;
    const DType* data_im_ptr = data_im + (b_col * num_channels + c_im) * height * width;
    const DType* data_offset_ptr = data_offset + (b_col * deformable_group + deformable_group_index) * 2 * kernel_h * kernel_w * height_col * width_col;

    for (int i = 0; i < kernel_h; ++i) {
      for (int j = 0; j < kernel_w; ++j) {
        const int data_offset_h_ptr = ((2 * (i * kernel_w + j)) * height_col + h_col) * width_col + w_col;
        const int data_offset_w_ptr = ((2 * (i * kernel_w + j) + 1) * height_col + h_col) * width_col + w_col;
        * 在这里可以看到与常规卷积的不同,在于加权求和的采样点是偏移之后的点,
        * 而不是方形网格中的点
        const DType offset_h = data_offset_ptr[data_offset_h_ptr];
        const DType offset_w = data_offset_ptr[data_offset_w_ptr];
        DType val = static_cast<DType>(0);
        const DType h_im = h_in + i * dilation_h + offset_h;
        const DType w_im = w_in + j * dilation_w + offset_w;
        if (h_im > -1 && w_im > -1 && h_im < height && w_im < width) {
          //const DType map_h = i * dilation_h + offset_h;
          //const DType map_w = j * dilation_w + offset_w;
          //const int cur_height = height - h_in;
          //const int cur_width = width - w_in;
          //val = deformable_im2col_bilinear(data_im_ptr, width, cur_height, cur_width, map_h, map_w);
          val = deformable_im2col_bilinear(data_im_ptr, width, height, width, h_im, w_im);
        *data_col_ptr = val;
        data_col_ptr += batch_size * height_col * width_col;

Deformable Convolution的定义调用,可以看到可变形卷积的偏移量是通过卷积操作获得的,并作为可变形卷积的输入。

def model():
     res5b_branch2a_relu = mx.symbol.Activation(name='res5b_branch2a_relu', data=scale5b_branch2a, act_type='relu')
     res5b_branch2b_offset = mx.symbol.Convolution(name='res5b_branch2b_offset', data = res5b_branch2a_relu,
                                                  num_filter=18, pad=(1, 1), kernel=(3, 3), stride=(1, 1), cudnn_off=True)
     res5b_branch2b = mx.contrib.symbol.DeformableConvolution(name='res5b_branch2b', data=res5b_branch2a_relu, offset=res5b_branch2b_offset,
                                                            num_filter=512, pad=(2, 2), kernel=(3, 3), num_deformable_group=1,
                                                            stride=(1, 1), dilate=(2, 2), no_bias=True)


# 2.可变形RoI Pooling

# 2.1 常规RoI Pooling

关于常规RoI池化的介绍可以参考这里 (opens new window)

(opens new window)


给定特征图,和大小为wh的RoI,表示的是RoI左上角点在中的坐标,假设RoI Pooling后得到的特征图的大小为,对于中第个元素值的计算公式为(),


其中表示的是RoI池化时每个方格中对应的特征图上的元素的个数,如对于的特征图使用RoI Pooling,则RoI Pooling后得到的特征图大小为,RoI Pooling时每个方格对应原特征图上个元素。RoI Pooling后的第个方格对应原特征图上的大小为:


以上便是常规RoI Pooling的定义过程。

# 2.2 可变形RoI(Deformable RoI)

图中(a)是常规RoI Pooling,(b)是对RoI Pooling的每个方格分别进行平移后池化得到结果,即可变形RoI的结果。

与可变形卷积部分相同,可变形RoI Pooling同样是对RoI池化的个方格区域各自先进行位置偏移再做池化。

可变形RoI Pooling的表达式定义为:



上图描述了Deformable RoI Pooling偏移量的计算方式。

# 2.3 代码实现

参考自文章仓库: Deformable-ConvNets/rfcn/operator_cxx/deformable_psroi_pooling.cu

    template <typename DType>
    __global__ void DeformablePSROIPoolForwardKernel(
      const int count,
      const DType* bottom_data,
      const DType spatial_scale,
      const int channels,
      const int height, const int width,
      const int pooled_height, const int pooled_width,
      const DType* bottom_rois, const DType* bottom_trans,
      const bool no_trans,
      const DType trans_std,
      const int sample_per_part,
      const int output_dim,
      const int group_size,
      const int part_size,
      const int num_classes,
      const int channels_each_class,
      DType* top_data,
      DType* top_count) {
      CUDA_KERNEL_LOOP(index, count) {
        // The output is in order (n, ctop, ph, pw)
        int pw = index % pooled_width;
        int ph = (index / pooled_width) % pooled_height;
        int ctop = (index / pooled_width / pooled_height) % output_dim;
        int n = index / pooled_width / pooled_height / output_dim;

        // [start, end) interval for spatial sampling
        const DType* offset_bottom_rois = bottom_rois + n * 5;
        int roi_batch_ind = offset_bottom_rois[0];
        DType roi_start_w = static_cast<DType>(round(offset_bottom_rois[1])) * spatial_scale - 0.5;
        DType roi_start_h = static_cast<DType>(round(offset_bottom_rois[2])) * spatial_scale - 0.5;
        DType roi_end_w = static_cast<DType>(round(offset_bottom_rois[3]) + 1.) * spatial_scale - 0.5;
        DType roi_end_h = static_cast<DType>(round(offset_bottom_rois[4]) + 1.) * spatial_scale - 0.5;

        // Force too small ROIs to be 1x1
        DType roi_width = max(roi_end_w - roi_start_w, 0.1); //avoid 0
        DType roi_height = max(roi_end_h - roi_start_h, 0.1);

        // Compute w and h at bottom
        DType bin_size_h = roi_height / static_cast<DType>(pooled_height);
        DType bin_size_w = roi_width / static_cast<DType>(pooled_width);

        DType sub_bin_size_h = bin_size_h / static_cast<DType>(sample_per_part);
        DType sub_bin_size_w = bin_size_w / static_cast<DType>(sample_per_part);

        int part_h = floor(static_cast<DType>(ph) / pooled_height*part_size);
        int part_w = floor(static_cast<DType>(pw) / pooled_width*part_size);
        int class_id = ctop / channels_each_class;
        DType trans_x = no_trans ? static_cast<DType>(0) :
          bottom_trans[(((n * num_classes + class_id) * 2) * part_size + part_h)*part_size + part_w] * trans_std;
        DType trans_y = no_trans ? static_cast<DType>(0) :
          bottom_trans[(((n * num_classes + class_id) * 2 + 1) * part_size + part_h)*part_size + part_w] * trans_std;
        DType wstart = static_cast<DType>(pw)* bin_size_w
          + roi_start_w;
        wstart += trans_x * roi_width;
        DType hstart = static_cast<DType>(ph) * bin_size_h
          + roi_start_h;
        hstart += trans_y * roi_height;
        DType sum = 0;
        int count = 0;
        int gw = floor(static_cast<DType>(pw) * group_size / pooled_width);
        int gh = floor(static_cast<DType>(ph)* group_size / pooled_height);
        gw = min(max(gw, 0), group_size - 1);
        gh = min(max(gh, 0), group_size - 1);

        const DType* offset_bottom_data = bottom_data + (roi_batch_ind * channels) * height * width;
        for (int ih = 0; ih < sample_per_part; ih++) {
          for (int iw = 0; iw < sample_per_part; iw++) {
            DType w = wstart + iw*sub_bin_size_w;
            DType h = hstart + ih*sub_bin_size_h;
            // bilinear interpolation
            if (w<-0.5 || w>width - 0.5 || h<-0.5 || h>height - 0.5) {
            w = min(max(w, 0.), width - 1.);
            h = min(max(h, 0.), height - 1.);
            int c = (ctop*group_size + gh)*group_size + gw;
            DType val = bilinear_interp(offset_bottom_data + c*height*width, w, h, width, height);
            sum += val;
        top_data[index] = count == 0 ? static_cast<DType>(0) : sum / count;
        top_count[index] = count;

这里给出的代码是Position Sensative RoI Pooling的可变形操作,是作者另一篇文章中提出的一种RoI Pooling方式,其中group参数可以暂时忽略,其余部分就是可变形RoI的实现过程。


rfcn_cls_offset_t = mx.sym.Convolution(data=relu_new_1, kernel=(1, 1), num_filter=2 * 3 * 3 * num_classes, name="rfcn_cls_offset_t")
rfcn_bbox_offset_t = mx.sym.Convolution(data=relu_new_1, kernel=(1, 1), num_filter=3 * 3 * 2, name="rfcn_bbox_offset_t")

rfcn_cls_offset = mx.contrib.sym.DeformablePSROIPooling(name='rfcn_cls_offset', data=rfcn_cls_offset_t, rois=rois, group_size=3, pooled_size=3,
                                                       sample_per_part=4, no_trans=True, part_size=3, output_dim=2 * num_classes, spatial_scale=0.0625)
rfcn_bbox_offset = mx.contrib.sym.DeformablePSROIPooling(name='rfcn_bbox_offset', data=rfcn_bbox_offset_t, rois=rois, group_size=3, pooled_size=3,
                                                       sample_per_part=4, no_trans=True, part_size=3, output_dim=2, spatial_scale=0.0625)

# 3.后记


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### 参考资料