# Useful Tricks and Tips to Search Google Better
# 1.Background
Google Search Services have been the most commonly used tools for everyone on the Internet. When you encounter a problem and need to find information online, your first reaction may be typing the keywords on the problem in Goole Search input box, and then most of the case, you can find the answer what you expected. However, when there is more and more information related to the topic of the problem, it is quite likely to encount that Google Search could show some irrelevant content to you. This situation is really annoying, we'll be lost in the information ocean full of random content. Luckily, Google Search provided many helpful tricks to use the search service, as long as we make some small specified calibration in the search text field, we can find the content we want faster, better and greatly improve the work efficiency. In this article, I will explain some useful skills on how to use Google Search more effective.
# 2.Tip 1: Use [site] for Specified Site Searh
It's quite often to use the function of searching on the site for many website. How to use Goole to search on the specified site by the key words ? The Operation can be really simple, One can use the function of searhing on the specified site by adding "site: URL" after the keyword to only search for the related information on a certain site.
For example, if you wanted to use Goole Search Engine to find knowledges about deep learning on Twitter site, what you should do is to type "deep learning site https://twitter.com/" to the input box and then click Enter. Then you will find that only articles on Twitter about deep learning showing in the search results.
# 2.Tip 2: Use Double Quotes ["] for Eaxcat Search
While searhing with key words, it's very annoying to see the irrelevant undesired items with the key words which caused by the word split of the search engine. With more decent explanation, If the key words are phases comprised of several word, search engine would give results concerned with one of the words, which means that the final result is the union of content related to the single word instead of the intersection. Fortunately,we can avoid this problem by Just puting double quotes around the keywords. For example, If I want to find content concerned on "deep learing and ai", I should input "deep learing and ai" and then click Enter.
Search Without Double Quotes:
Search With Double Quotes:
# 3.Tip 3: Use [filetype] to Find Specified Format File
When searching for keywords, most of the content that comes out is mainly web pages, but what if you want to search for a specific file type? At this time, just add "filetype: file type" after the keyword to quickly find all file formats that match the theme. As aforementioned, if one wants to search for the pdf document on deep learing, what he should do is to use the Google Search with "deep learning filetype:PDF", the search findings are shown in the following image, as we can see, just results with pdf file found.
# 4.Tip 4: Use Double Dot [..] to Set the Search Scope
Sometimes when searching for information, you may accidentally find outdated or incorrect items. At the time, you were very likely to guess that how to use the Google Search with specific scope. [..] symbol with number is to do this work. As shown below, search "deep learning 2020..2022" keyword will return the article no older than 2020.
# 5.Tip 5: Use [-] to Exclude Words from the Search
Occasionally, you may not want to include results with certain words, especially when they are not the kind of information you concerned on. Putting minus symbol [-] in front of a word you want to leave out will eliminate unwanted search results. By searching with the minus symbol. you are telling Google to find results that exclude the words preceded by a minus symbol. For example, if you were interested in the electric cars other than Tesla, you would search "electric cars -Tesla"
# 6.Tip 6: Use [intitle] to Search by Artitle Title
Due to the huge amount of information on the Internet, the scope of the search results covers too much when search by some specific keywords. As long as the keywords appearing on the page, they will all be returned to the search result pages. Even though the keywords appear in the page, the main topic could be quite a big different, which would cause many junk search results. To find articles with the main content concern on the keywords, One can use [intitle] option. For example, if I want to find articles with deep learning, I would use "intitle:deep learning" for Google Search.
# 7.Finally
This is six most useful Google Search tips found in my own work I want to share with you, Hope this will make some help for you. Follow me, I will continuously publish helpful articles.^_^.